Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Paul's Last Will and Testament: 2 Timothy

This past Sunday in church, I was brought back to my college days of study in 2 Timothy, Paul's last recorded letter. I am struck again by the dual simplicity yet complexity of the passage. Here is essentially what Pastor Mark Coleman said:

-2 Timothy is Paul’s last recorded letter. It is essentially a “last will and testament,” as his death is imminent.
-Paul is done with his work. There is to be no more preaching to large crowds, etc. yet he still wants to make sure he does three things while awaiting his death...
1. The first and most important is this: "Preach the gospel!" He is sure to remind Timothy that the gospel must be preached. We are one generation away from the gospel dying out. It is OUR responsibility to pass it on. It would be completely irresponsible for us not to say what it is we live for; not to pass it on to those around us: our children, grandchildren, friends, anyone who will hear. "Before we get into the hammock, we need to make sure we've passed on the gospel! It is always too early to quit...retirement is not our right!"
2. Paul wants to make sure Timothy knows what he is doing. He is passing on the baton - a critical moment in the race. In fact, the most critical. First of all, he realizes life will go on after him (it's not about him anyway) and he must leave Timothy prepared. Someone I know once said that to me..."Joy, make sure you're preparing others around you so if you go, things can go on like they always did." Second, he is able to not only prepare, but to encourage someone else as he himself could selfishly wish he were being encouraged while on the throes awaiting execution...
3. Encourage Timothy. In the face of death, he is encouraging the person after him! This is so profound on a bunch of levels...I was thinking about this today...That really is the job of a leader. Even in the midst of his own personal trials, he saw the bigger picture and wanted to remind Timothy of that...and what is the bigger picture? Back to the gospel!

Oh the things to learn...whenever I feel tired, or timid, it comes back to the gospel..."I know WHOM I have believed (not what as Nate Winters would say)...And I hope many others learn to know and love Him because of the gospel!